現在位置: ホーム 学科紹介 教員紹介 社会情報学科 伊豆田義人 教授

伊豆田義人 教授


教授 伊豆田義人
担当科目 インターネット演習、データ分析入門、グラフィックス演習、応用情報処理演習II、応用情報処理演習III、教養ゼミ、基礎ゼミ、専門ゼミ、卒業研究
最終学歴 博士(工学)


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 (2) 授業のホームページ(外部ホスティング)
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(1) データサイエンス。人文社会学系の分野における様々な問題や現象のモデル化に取り組んでいます。近年は、「地方から都市部への若者の流出に関する研究」という大きな枠組み中で様々な調査をし、因子分析や共分散構造分析(SEM)のもとでモデル化を行っています。
(2) 多次元システム理論。多次元システムという数理的なモデルの解法を研究しています。
(3) 多変量分析。データのモデル化を念頭に置いた多変量分析法における組織だった手順を検討しています。



● ≪データサイエンス

probing for factors that influence the willingness to go on a trip among students, Proceeding: International Conference on Humanities, Education and Society (ICHES 2019) (e-ISBN: 978- 967- 15597- 6- 5)

A Structural Equation Model for Studying Possible Measures to Lessen Youth Outflow Rate from Regional to Metropolitan Areas in Japan, Proc. Higher Education Forum(HEF)-2018 Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (HKICEPS)

Association between Ability to Use Office Suite Applications and the First Time Used Application among Japanese Female College New Students, Proc. Higher Education Forum(HEF)-2018 Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (HKICEPS)

Assessing the Attitudes of Japanese Junior High School Students towards Course Units of Mathematics: A Focus on Learners with No Problem Feeling about Studying the Subject, 6th Int. Post-Grad. Conf. Sci. and Math. (IPCSM) & Int. Conf. Sci., Tech., Eng. and Math.(ICSTEM) 2018, Malaysia

A Characterization of Junior High Students with Anxieties towards Learning Mathematics, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (ICEPS2017), Bangkok

Some Insights into the Attitudes of Young People towards Contents of the Traditional Media and Social Networking, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (ICEPS2017), Bangkok.

Characterization of the Japanese Social Concerns with Health and Care for Natural Disaster Vulnerable in an Eventual Catastrophe, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (ICEPS2017), Bangkok

A Conjoint Analysis-Based Grouping Strategy for a Metacognitive Study Aimed to Assess Students Feeling of Difficulty towards Learning, Proc. Higher Education Forum(HEF)-2016 Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (HKICEPS)

An Investigation of the Depopulation in Northeastern Rural Regions of Japan Based on the Conjoint Analysis Modeling Approach, Proc. Higher Education Forum(HEF)-2016 Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (HKICEPS)

Probing When Japanese Junior High School Students Begin to Feel Difficulty in Learning Mathematics, Proc. The Int. Conf. on Education, Mathematics and Science (ICEMS2016)/ 4th Int. Postgraduate Conf. on Science and Mathematics (IPCSM2016)

Assessing the Sense of Good at and Not Good At towards Learning Topics of Mathematics with Conjoint Analysis, Proc. The Int. Conf. on Education, Mathematics and Science (ICEMS2016)/ 4th Int. Postgraduate Conf. on Science and Mathematics (IPCSM2016)

Assessment of Anxiety and Hurdle Perceptions towards Introductory Computer Literacy Classes among Japanese Female College StudentsProc. of Int. Conf. on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (ICEPS2016), Kuala Lumpur

Some Insights into the Japanese Junior High School English Education from the Student Learning Awareness Perspective, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (ICEPS2016), Kuala Lumpur

● ≪多次元システム理論

A Short Note on the Asymptotically Stable Lagrange Solutions of 2-D Systems with Simultaneously Triangularizable Matrices

Some Insights into Certain Kind of Asymptotically Stable Lagrange Solutions of 2-D Systems on the Grounds of Lie Algebra, 3rd  Int. Conf. on Applied Physics, System Science and Computers, Dubrovnik, Springer

Asymptotic Stability of Partial Difference Equations Systems with Singular Matrix, Applied Physics, System Science and Computers II 2nd  Int. Conf. on Applied Physics, System Science and Computers, Dubrovnik, Springer, PP.223-229

Asymptotic Stability Analysis of 2-D Discrete State Space Systems with Singular Matrix

Existence Conditions of Asymptotically Stable 2-D Feedback Control Systems on the Basis of Block Matrix Diagonalization, roc. of the 13th Int. Conf. on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, V.1: ICINCO,Lisbon, Portugal,P463-P470. 

● ≪多変量分析法≫

・文系女子短大の情報リテラシーのソフトに対するL4(23)タイプのコンジョイント分析評価における外れ値の処理方法の検証、JPCATS論文誌、V.11No.1, 2016/3


● ≪言語解析≫

(1) Formant Analysis of the English Alphabet Read by Japanese Female Students and Native Speakers, Proceeding: 1st International Conference on Teaching & Learning (ICTL 2015), Langkawi, Malaysia 14-15 September 2015, ISBN 978-967-13637-1-3, pp.18-22

(2)A Study on How Young Japanese Female College Students Say the English Alphabet: Comparison of the Fundamental Frequencies F0s across the Sub-Groups and Along Different Percentiles, Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education, SLATE 2015/8/2-4 Hiroshima, digital format, ISSN: 2189-2164, 8 pages.

● ≪多次元システム理論≫

(1) An Observer Controller Design Method for 2-D Discrete Control Systems, Proc. of 2015 IEEE Int. Conf. on Information and Automation, Lijuan, China, 2015/8. (Izuta and Nishikawa)

(2) Design of Asymptotically Stabilizing State Feedback Controllers for 2-D Discrete Control Systems, Proc. of 2015 IEEE Int. Conf. on Information and Automation, Lijuan, China, 2015/8 (Nishikawa and Izuta)










(1) 運動(減量期には一日1~2時間、維持期には一日30分程度)

(2) 規則的な生活リーズム(就寝、起床、一日の活動)

(3) 規則的な食生活。たとえば、間食しない、甘いものやジュース類はほどほどに、またダイエットはしない









本学は アットホームな雰囲気です。楽しく学べるだけではなく、沢山の人と出会うことができますので、歴史や風情溢れるこの城下町で青春の一ページを刻んでください。